Florida Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
In July 2011, the Federal Drug Administration informed medical care providers about serious issues related to the surgical mesh used by surgeons in repairing pelvic organ prolapse and related women’s health conditions. As a result, the FDA’s investigation continues to look at several questions, such as whether the placement of mesh material and/or the material itself may pose risks to women’s health. The Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys stand ready to defend those who suffer from the results of TVM and the manufacturers of these materials in Florida transvaginal mesh lawsuits.
The Purpose of TVMs

Menopause brings about chronic medical problems for some women. TVM devices were originally thought to make up for problems with the patient’s pelvic organs. Instead, many patients experienced complications resulting from TVM. Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys help women suffering undesirable after-effects of transvaginal mesh implants. Some patients suffering from urinary incontinence, or inability to control the bladder, thought that TVM implants would cure this embarrassing condition. Others suffering from pelvic organ prolapse, a condition in which the pelvic muscles drop and enter the vagina, were told TVM surgery was appropriate for them. Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys protect their clients from lingering, chronic health conditions and the financial commitments necessary to manage them by representing them in Florida transvaginal mesh lawsuits.
In addition to the surgeon’s pelvic anatomical knowledge, concerns about TVM materials should be considered. The TVM prosthetic should be inert, and produce no inflammation response in the patient. The implant itself should be non-allergenic, resist all mechanical stress or infection, and should be manufactured in the correct shape for the patient. Surgical adjustment of the implant should not occur.
Complications Leading to Florida Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys evaluate various TVM properties, including the specific TVM used in the patient. The essential materials used to make TVM filaments, mesh structure, e.g. knitted or woven, mono or multi filament, pre size, tensile or burst strength, thickness, lack of flexibility, and total mesh/unit area are noted by the Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys. Smaller TVM pore size is particularly problematic, according to the Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys. While it’s believed that most TVM used is Type I (pore size less than 0.75 millimeters), smaller pore size are responsible for higher levels of bacteria infections, say Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys. The smaller pores allow bacteria to enter without being large enough to accommodate the importance infection-fighting white blood cells and fibroblast. Smaller-pored TVM can also cause graft encapsulation instead of the desired integration. The Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys determine whether the TVM present is permanent-absorbable vs. biologic materials. Light mesh knitted from Monocryl (polypropylene + poliglecaprone 25) tend to be absorbed by the body in 3 to 4 months. This factor decreases the vaginal load when compared to other kinds of polypropylene mesh.
Dangerous Side-effects
Man-made, synthetic materials such as Monocryl tend to change shape once or disintegrate inside the patient’s organic body. In many surgeries, the vagina’s lining was used to anchor the TVM implant. In this type of surgery, the woman’s vagina or vaginal lining may suffer damage. Transvaginal mesh can cut proximate pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder, or rectum. Infection, bleeding, painful intercourse, and continued urogenital problems result.
Coating Risks
Contracting TVM devices can cause problems, such as myofibroblasts or cross linking collagen fibers. TVM implants coated with an organic hydrophilic hydrogen (e.g. porcine) may experience a decreased inflammation response. Use of absorbable material acts to repel bacterial from the site for the first two weeks after surgery. However, inflammation may continue to increase after surgery, despite manufacturer claims that it usually subsides in 14 days. Coatings may initially protect patients from TVM erosion. Researchers say that more study is indicated to evaluate the health risks associated with TVM coatings.
You Are Not Alone
According to medical researchers, transvaginal mesh can cause cell death and serious health problems for patients. Contact Florida TVM lawsuit attorneys today to add your voice to the Florida transvaginal mesh lawsuits.