Wright Conserve Hip System
The Wright Conserve Total Acetabular Hip System is a system comprised of a femoral stem, which goes inside the femur, a femoral head that is connected to the stem, and an acetabulum, cup, which the femoral head and stem fits into. This hip system is another all metal device, which is among the recent growing litigation regarding many complications associated with metal on metal implants. You could be at risk for severe complications if you have received a Wright Conserve Hip Implant System. Our member Florida Wright Conserve Hip Recall Attorneys affiliated with Attorney Group for Florida are currently accepting claims involving defective hip implants. If you or someone you care about has had a Wright Conserve Hip System implanted and are suffering serious side effects, early hip implant failure, or hip revision surgery, you could be entitled to receive financial compensation through a defective medical device lawsuit. Call Florida Attorney Group today so we can match you with experienced Florida Wright Conserve hip recall attorneys to discuss your situation.
Defects In The Design Of The Wright Conserve System
The Wright Conserve cup has a shallow nature, which is similar to the recalled all metal DePuy ASR device which causes excess friction among the metal cup and metal ball that sheds excessive metal debris. When friction is increased at many points of contact with the femoral head and acetabular cup, dangerous amounts of metal toxins that are shed accumulate and cause metal poisoning when it gets into the bloodstream and tissue. A multitude of serious health issues can occur when metal poisoning happens, such as tissue necrosis, infections and cysts, cardiac problems, among many other dangerous adverse reactions.
Common Issues with Wright Conserve Implants
Numerous reported complications and difficulties with the Wright Conserve Hip Implant have included the following:

- Walking or standing difficulties
- Implant loosening and dislocating
- Clicking or popping sounds from the implant site
- Hip fractures
- Tissue swelling, infection and necrosis, which can lead to the need for additional revision surgeries shortly following the initial implantation surgery
- Excessive pain long after surgery
- Metallosis and Aseptic Lymphocytic Vasculitis Associated Lesions that can result from metal toxicity, along with stunted bone growth that can lead to fractures
Florida Wright Conserve Hip Recall Attorneys
If you or a loved one has undergone implantation of a Wright Conserve hip replacement system, or any other metal on metal hip device, contact Attorney Group for Florida today so our affiliated Florida Wright Conserve Hip Recall Attorneys can determine if you are eligible to seek monetary compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income and future medical costs through a defective medical device lawsuit.