Drunk Driver Accidents

On average, one person suffers injuries due to alcohol related vehicle accidents every two minutes according to the National Center for Statistics & Analysis. Unfortunately, alcohol involved auto accidents are all too common on our interstates and roads today. If you have been involved in an alcohol related accident and suffered injuries or have lost a loved one due to an alcohol related accident and want to discuss your case, contact Florida Attorney Group so we can get you matched with experienced drunk driver accident attorneys who will inform you of your legal options and help you along your road to recovery.
The types of injuries that can arise from drunk driving accidents can be serious, debilitating and permanent, not only affecting the victims themselves, but also victims’ families. They not only cause physical injuries, but also financial losses to those involved as well as their families. Knowledgeable drunk driving lawyers will be able to explain the laws to you that gives victims the right to recover damages from those responsible for the accident. Punitive damages can also usually be recovered from the responsible party of a drunk driving accident. Accident related damages that can be recovered include medical costs, wages lost, pain and suffering, rehabilitation expenses, funeral costs, among others. An injured person’s spouse is also entitled to recover compensation for loss of consortium or other services from their spouse. Even though there is never an amount large enough to repair the damage or loss of a loved one, monetary compensation can in part at least help to ease the added stress of financial burdens that have arisen because of the drunk driving accident.
Florida Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys
An immediate investigation will be started by the auto company and their insurance company and the insurance company will most likely try to offer the lowest possible amount of settlement to the injured party or parties. Insurance companies have come up with elaborate and specific set of procedures in which to handle drunk driving auto accident claims. Because these types of cases can be quite complex, it is a good idea to discuss your case with an experienced drunk driving lawyer as soon as possible following the accident so that all important evidence can be collected and stored without alteration. Our affiliated drunk driving accident attorneys will speak with any witnesses, examine the scene of the accident, investigate the vehicles involved and get the police reports to determine who is at fault and build a strong case to get you the justice you deserve.