Florida Lawn Mower Rollover Accident Attorneys

Lawn mower accidents happen all too often and can lead to serious injuries such as broken bones, severed limbs, and even death. Lawn mowers can roll over very easily, especially on a hill, embankment or while making a sharp turn. Many lawn mower injuries can be prevented if manufacturers install rollover protection systems, ROPS, such as roll bars, seatbelts and guards. If you have suffered injuries from a lawn mower accident or lost a loved one in an accident that happened because of an inadequate safety system, contact Florida Lawn Mower Accident Attorneys at Attorney Group for Florida to determine if you have a valid product liability case.
Injuries Suffered in Lawn Mower Accidents
Thousands of people each year have visited the emergency room for treatment of lawn mower related injuries such as amputations, lacerations, broken bones and even death. Rollover accidents are the most common lawn mower accident involving riding mowers. They can weigh over 2000 pounds and when ridden on uneven surfaces, can tip over easily. When a lawn mower tips over, the rider can become trapped beneath its heavy weight while the blades are still propelling, run over with the dangerously sharp blades severing limbs or thrown from the mower suffering head or spinal injuries that could end in paraplegia. Lawn mower manufacturers know how easy a lawn mower rollover accident can happen with daily normal use, yet many choose not to install their products with important rollover protection systems. ROPS are crucial in providing protection to lawn mower operators when an accident does occur. Another safety feature that many lawn mowers do not have is a NMIR (no mow in reverse) switch. Because of the loud nature of lawn mowers, when lawn mower operators are in reverse, they often do not hear or see what is behind them and accidents can easily happen if someone comes up behind the mower while in reverse. If manufacturers would take a little extra time and money to install such important safety features, many lawn mower accidents could be prevented.
Florida Lawn Mower Accident Attorneys
Contact Attorney Group for Florida today so we can get you started with our affiliated Florida lawn mower accident attorneys who have the experience necessary to successfully handle lawn mower rollover accident cases. They will bring their knowledge and skills to defend your legal rights as a consumer injured because of defective lawn mower equipment.