Kansas Dangerous Drug Attorney

If you have experienced injuries or have lost a loved one because of a harmful medication, contact Attorney Group for Kansas today to learn more about your options.

We offer free, confidential, no-obligation consultations. We can answer your questions, and if you wish to pursue a claim, we can connect you with an affiliated Kansas dangerous drug attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process.

Important: The time you have to pursue a claim is limited.

Call us at (785) 748-4231 today for your free case review.

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Dangerous Drugs

While drug manufacturers are obligated to thoroughly test and research each drug before allowing it to be used by the public, companies do not always follow through with these requirements. If you or someone you love has taken a medication and you suffered from adverse side effects or life-threatening complications, you may be eligible to work with a defective drug attorney to seek compensation for your injuries.

Regardless of whether a medication is obtained over-the-counter or is prescribed to a patient, it may be considered defective if it has allegedly caused death, injuries, or complications. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the responsibility of testing each product before it approves the drug for use, many consumers have recently accused the agency of approving medications without adequate testing.

Additionally, it is nearly impossible for the FDA to catch every side effect that could manifest in each medication it approves. For this reason, the agency relies on its adverse event reporting system in which patients can inform the FDA of side effects, diseases, or other complications that developed due to a medication. If the FDA begins to notice a pattern of people filing adverse event reports on one drug, it may decide to launch an investigation to determine whether the product should remain on the market or be removed for additional testing.

Why Choose a Kansas Dangerous Drug Attorney?

A dangerous drug attorney in Kansas can work to help to protect your legal rights. While you may believe that you can confidently represent yourself, a Kansas defective drug attorney understands the ins and outs of the legal system and can help you to build a case to file against the manufacturer. Proving that a drug is harmful and potentially defective can be a difficult and complex process. So that you might better your chances of receiving the compensation to which you may be entitled, consider working with a Kansas dangerous drug attorney today.

The amount of compensation a patient can receive is fully dependent upon the circumstances surrounding the incident, such as the extent of the injury, his or her long-term prognosis, pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and any lost income or loss of future wages.


How a Kansas Dangerous Drug Attorney Can Help

Drug makers have a duty to provide safe products. If there are risks of harm associated with their products, they also must provide adequate warnings. If a drug maker fails to fulfill this duty, it could be held liable in lawsuits for injuries that may result.

People injured by bad drugs may be eligible to recover money for:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain and Suffering

The families of those who have died may be eligible to recover money for funeral expenses and the pain that comes with losing a loved one.

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Kansas Nexium Lawsuit

Although Nexium is a commonly prescribed medication, the drug has been allegedly linked to serious, potentially fatal complications such as acute interstitial nephritis and chronic kidney disease.

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Kansas Onglyza Lawsuit

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