The ABG II hip replacement device was voluntarily recalled by its manufacturer, Stryker Orthopedics, in July 2012 following reports filed on behalf of patients who were allegedly experiencing early device failure. While these implants were designed to remain in place for 15 to 20 years, data found that the ABG II modular-neck hip stems could fail as early as one year after implantation.
Contact Attorney Group for Kansas today if you or someone you love received the ABG II hip replacement device. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your alleged injury, you may be entitled to file a Stryker hip replacement lawsuit and recover damages for your injuries.
Patients Claim Early Device
The ABG II hip stems featured more components than other hip replacement devices, including a femoral stem, a ball, an acetabular cup, and a metal neck. According to the manufacturer, more moving parts meant the ability to adjust the device to better fit a broader range of patients including younger, more active recipients.
However, many of those who were fitted with the ABG II implant allege that more components resulted in more opportunities for the device to fail, and several patients reported that the ABG II was prone to fretting and corrosion. When the metal components rub together, the patient may be more likely to suffer from metal poisoning when the chromium or cobalt shards break away and enter the patient’s bloodstream, causing adverse local tissue reactions, swelling, and pain.
Several patients and medical experts have criticized the way in which the ABG II implant was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The 510(k) process allows manufacturers to receive approval for their devices as long they can show that the product’s design and function is similar to one already available to the public. However, according to critics, this process does not allow manufacturers to adequately test products for any risks, dangers, or side effects that could potentially occur.
Patients adversely effected by their ABG II implant should consider filing a Stryker hip replacement lawsuit against the manufacturer to seek compensation for their injuries. Plaintiffs currently pursuing a Stryker hip replacement lawsuit allege that the device caused numerous complications, such as difficulty walking, trouble maintaining balance, swelling, tissue damage, and pain. Additionally, many patients who underwent revision surgeries to correct these complications allegedly experienced worsened pain following these subsequent procedures.
If You Have a Stryker Hip Replacement Lawsuit, Contact Us Today
Those considering filing a Stryker hip replacement lawsuit should contact Attorney Group for Kansas. If you or someone you love has been fitted with the ABG II hip implant or you would like more information about filing a Stryker hip replacement lawsuit, Attorney Group for Kansas can help. We are currently offering free, no-obligation consultations to determine if you are eligible to file Stryker hip replacement lawsuit. If you are, we can put you in touch with an affiliated ABG II attorney who can file your Stryker hip replacement lawsuit and work to help you recover the damages to which you may be entitled.