Tag: Dangerous Drugs

Oklahoma Victoza Lawyer

Oklahoma Victoza Lawyers Warn Consumers of Dangers of Victoza

(To view full size image, click the image or click here.) Victoza, a medication prescribed to type 2 diabetes patients to help them to better control their blood […]

Oklahoma Byetta Lawsuit

Could You Be Eligible for an Oklahoma Victoza Lawsuit?

Although Victoza has successfully helped type 2 diabetes patients across the globe, others are filing lawsuits against the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, alleging serious and life-threatening complications such […]

Oklahoma Janumet Lawsuit Attorney

Oklahoma Janumet Lawsuit Attorneys Explain Janumet Lawsuits

Janumet is a combination of metflorim and sitagliptin and is designed to help those living with type 2 diabetes to better manage their conditions. While many have taken […]

Oklahoma Byetta Lawsuit

Could You Be Eligible for an Oklahoma Byetta Lawsuit?

Byetta, a prescription medication for type 2 diabetes patients, was initially approved in April 2005 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although many have taken Byetta […]
