$9.2 Million Zimmer Durom Cup Hip Implant Award
Tennessee Zimmer Durom Cup hip implant attorneys note a $9.2 million jury award in favor of a plaintiff who claims he was injured by a defective metal-on-metal hip […]
Tennessee Zimmer Durom Cup hip implant attorneys note a $9.2 million jury award in favor of a plaintiff who claims he was injured by a defective metal-on-metal hip […]
In the wake of news reports on recalled metal on metal hip replacement systems and the number of lawsuits filed by people who have experienced problems with these […]
Multi-district litigation (MDL) pertaining to allegedly defective hip replacements from Biomet Orthopaedics is progressing toward a final Biomet settlement in Indiana. Certain Tennessee patients who received Biomet hips […]
What problems are associated with certain metal on metal hip implants? Complaints have often focused on misalignment or friction issues. In a properly functioning artificial hip, the “ball” […]
Patients who have undergone hip replacement surgeries in Tennessee and other states are filing hip implant lawsuits against manufacturers who they claim did not warn them about the […]
The Apex Arc hip system is advertised as being a safe and effective prosthetic device that improves the life of anyone suffering from hip problems. When the first […]
Despite the fact that thousands of patients throughout the country have been able to regain their quality of life after receiving an artificial hip implant, thousands more are […]
Contact Attorney Group for Tennessee to receive a free case evaluation and to learn more about the types of hip replacements currently involved in lawsuits. If you were […]
Tennessee Stryker Hip Lawsuit Tennessee is a state known for a wide variety of activities, from the basking in the history of music styles such as blues and […]
Tennessee Smith and Nephew R-3 Recall Attorneys If you believe that you’ve been the victim of an R-3 Acetabular System hip implant, then you should seriously consider getting […]