Power Morcellator Cases May Be Consolidated in Kansas
Morcellator cancer lawyers note 22 pending lawsuits alleging that the use of a power morcellator in hysterectomies and myomectomies can spread undetected cancer cells. A number of claimants […]
Morcellator cancer lawyers note 22 pending lawsuits alleging that the use of a power morcellator in hysterectomies and myomectomies can spread undetected cancer cells. A number of claimants […]
Over 500 Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits Settled In August 2014, C.R. Bard settled 500 cases filed against it alleging complications with the Bard Avaulta transvaginal mesh. The settlement still […]
Kansas women and other women across the nation are constantly filing lawsuits now, alleging damages in relation to transvaginal mesh surgery and implantation. Transvaginal mesh (TVM) is used […]