Study: Viagra May Help Foster Growth of Malignant Tumors

A Texas Viagra attorney notes that two large-scale studies have pointed to a connection between Viagra and melanoma, a potentially dangerous form of skin cancer. New research reveals that the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra may play a role in the growth of malignant skin tumors, which could help explain the previously observed association between Viagra and melanoma. Affected men and their families may be able to file a lawsuit with the help of a Texas Viagra cancer lawsuit attorney.

For more information, contact the Attorney Group for Texas. We offer free, confidential, no obligation consultations. We can help answer your questions, and if you choose to pursue a case we can connect you with an affiliated Texas Viagra attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process.

The time you have to pursue a claim is limited. Contact us for more information.Get Help Now.

Researchers Calling for Additional Studies in Light of Findings

A study from Tubingen University in Germany suggests that Viagra, a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction, may contribute to the development of malignant skin tumors. According to the The International Business Times, this research corroborates the results of two prior studies, which included over 30,000 men and found that those taking Viagra were at enhanced risk for developing melanoma. Notably, this study is the first to suggest a biological mechanism to explain these findings.

The researchers found that the mechanism of action of Viagra has multiple effects on cell growth that may increase the risk of malignant skin cancer developing. The drug may help stimulate cGMP, a molecule that plays a part in cellular growth and in the spread of malignant melanomas. Furthermore, Viagra apparently diminishes the effects of an enzyme that normally helps reduce the action of cGMP. Given these findings, the researchers are calling for further clinical study of the relationship between Viagra and skin cancer, the website reported.

How a Texas Viagra Attorney Can Help

Drug makers have a duty to provide safe products. If there are risks of harm associated with their products, they also must provide adequate warnings. If a drug maker fails to fulfill this duty, it could be held liable in lawsuits for injuries that may result.

People injured by bad drugs may be eligible to recover money for:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain and Suffering

The families of those who have died may be eligible to recover money for funeral expenses and the pain that comes with losing a loved one.

The Time You Have to Pursue a Claim is Limited. Contact Us Today.

For more information, contact the Attorney Group for Texas. You can fill out the form on this page or contact us by phone or email.

After you contact us, an attorney will follow up to answer questions that you might have. There is no cost or obligation to speak with us, and any information you provide will be kept confidential.

Please note that the law limits the time you have to pursue a claim or file a lawsuit for an injury. If you think you have a case, you should not delay taking action.
