Trinity Guardrail Lawsuit Attorneys note a February 12, 2015 New York Times article detailing political action being taken by Trinity Industries in the wake of lawsuits and growing scrutiny surrounding an alleged design flaw in the one of the company’s widely used guardrail systems. Entitled “Troubled Guardrail Maker Goes on a Lobbying Blitz,” the article reports on the increase in political contributions and lobbying efforts made by Trinity allegations surfaced that the company mislead government agencies about a change to the guardrail system that is now being implicated in injuries and deaths nationwide.
If you have been injured in an accident involving a highway guardrail, contact Attorney Group today. We can provide a free, no obligation consultation to help you determine your options in filing a Trinity Guardrail Lawsuit. If you have a claim, we can connect you with an affiliated attorney who can assist you throughout the litigation process.
Money, Lobbyists, and Lawyers 
Follow Scrutiny of Guardrail System
According to the New York Times:
“The flow of money started only after federal and state officials, in 2012, became aware of possible defects in the guardrail design, after a whistle-blower lawsuit was filed.
The company separately has made direct campaign donations to the 2014 political accounts of attorney general candidates in Oklahoma, Ohio, Alabama, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and South Dakota, among other states, according to data compiled by the National Institute on Money in State Politics.
And it has dispatched its own lobbyists and lawyers to make appeals in states around the country….”
Using the access provided to it by its political contributions, the article notes that Trinity representatives are “wasting little time” to discuss Trinity guardrails with elected officials, including various state attorney generals. The article further notes that in December 2014 the Virginia attorney general “became the first state attorney general to file his own legal action against Trinity, accusing the company of fraud for selling … thousands of unapproved, improperly tested and potentially dangerous pieces of highway guardrail equipment.”
Why Trinity Guardrail Lawsuits?
Trinity has been named in lawsuits alleging that it defrauded the U.S. government when it failed to inform the Federal Highway Administration of changes it made to it ET-Plus guardrail around 2005. The changes allegedly cause the guardrails to malfunction, and at least eight deaths have been linked to accidents involving the ET-Plus.
Injured in an Accident Involving a Guardrail? We Can Help.
If you were injured, or a loved one was killed in an accident involving a Trinity guardrail, contact Attorney Group today. You may be eligible to file a Trinity Guardrail Lawsuit and seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages or wrongful death damages for a lost family member. We can connect you with an affiliated attorney, all at no out-of-pocket cost to you. Contact Attorney Group today.