Januvia lawsuits may be filed for patients who took the medication and suffered severe complications. Although the drug is used to help control blood glucose levels in patients who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Januvia has been linked to an increased risk of the development of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Affected patients and their loved ones may be able to file a lawsuit and recover damages with the help of a dangerous drug attorney.
For more information, contact Attorney Group. We offer free, confidential, no obligation consultations. We can help answer your questions, and if you choose to pursue a case we can connect you with an affiliated Januvia lawsuit attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process.
What is Januvia?
Januvia (sitagliptin) was approved in October 2006 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug was developed in an effort to help patients previously diagnosed with type 2 diabetes control their blood glucose levels. The first of its kind, the oral medication was classified as a DPP-4 inhibitor, which helps increase the body’s production of insulin. However, studies have shown that the drug may raise a patient’s risk of developing pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Patients experiencing these side effects have filed Januvia lawsuits to recover compensation for their injuries.
Januvia was developed by Merck & Co. to help the body produce insulin by affecting the incretin system and targeting pancreatic cells, yet it may also restrict the body from fighting against various types of cancer; research has shown that the DDP-4 inhibitors helps stop cancerous cells from spreading throughout the body. As a result, many physicians and medical experts agree that the drug has the potential to cause adverse conditions including thyroid and pancreatic cancers and pancreatitis.
Januvia Lawsuits Filed
Patients who took Januvia and suffered serious side effects allege that, although the FDA required Merck to complete specific studies regarding the safety of the drug, the manufacturer delayed the process, thus drastically reducing the possibility of finding side effects or risks of serious health conditions before the drug was marketed for sale to the public. Plaintiffs in Januvia lawsuits allege that, had Merck acted according to the FDA’s direction, these health risks would have been apparent much sooner, and patients would have been informed of the effects and possibility of developing cancers before the issue became more serious.
Physicians maintain that some side effects are relatively common from taking the medication including:
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Stomach pain
- Sinus complications
- Sore throat
However, many plaintiffs in Januvia lawsuits allege that they suffered from even more adverse effects including:
- Severe skin reaction as noted by painful sensation on the skin, sore throat, rashes, burning eyes, facial swelling and fever
- Gaining a rapid amount of weight quickly
- Shortness of breath
- Swelling of face or body
- Difficulty urinating or not urinating at all
Patients who were eventually diagnosed with pancreatitis may not have known that they had the condition when they first started noticing symptoms; rather, many plaintiffs in Januvia lawsuits allege that they were not fully aware that these side effects were the start of the condition. Most notably, patients claimed that they suffered from nausea, vomiting, decreased or loss of interest in food, irregular or increased heart rate and a severe pain that traveled from the stomach to the back.
Januvia Cancer Risks
Researchers conducted studies in both May 2009 and again in 2011 to examine the possible connection between Januvia, pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer; the results confirmed that although the drug has been successful in helping people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood glucose levels, there was an increased risk of developing both health conditions by taking the medication. The latter study reported participants taking the drug had a six-fold probability of suffering from pancreatitis further down the road, and those taking the drug had a two-fold possibility of developing pancreatic cancer in the future.
Physicians are warning patients to conduct research before using the drug, particularly because it took over three years for these results to become apparent; there is no telling how long it may be before the medication is linked to other serious health conditions.
FDA Requests a Warning on Label
The FDA has acknowledged that they are currently investigating Januvia as the result of its possible link to serious health conditions. In fact, the FDA has reported evidence of inflammation and various levels of pre-cancerous cell changes in sample tissues they obtained from patients who were reportedly taking the medication.
However, in September 2009, the FDA requested that Merck revise the label on the medication to acknowledge the new and potential hazardous side effects associated with the drug. The FDA maintained that consumers must be warned prior to the initial dose and be aware of the current reports of the potential to develop various forms of acute pancreatitis. Additionally, the FDA asked the manufacturer to ensure that physicians and healthcare professionals knew to monitor their patients after prescribing the medication or after the dosage was increased in order to watch for the first signs of pancreatitis. Merck was also asked to instruct doctors to cease prescribing the drug if their patients started to report serious complications.
In the letter issued to Merck, the FDA maintained that Merck should acknowledge that the drug only be used with thorough monitoring methods, particularly in those who are at a predisposed risk of developing pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis and especially in patients who have a medical history of the diseases. Unfortunately, even though the FDA requested Merck make the necessary changes to the label and conduct further research in 2009, the organization still needed to chastise the manufacturer for failing to follow through by 2012.
How a Januvia Lawsuit Can Help
Drug makers have a duty to provide safe products. If there are risks of harm associated with their products, they also must provide adequate warnings. If a drug maker fails to fulfill this duty, it could be held liable in lawsuits for injuries that may result.
People injured by bad drugs may be eligible to recover money for:
- Medical Expenses
- Lost Wages
- Pain and Suffering
The families of those who have died may be eligible to recover money for funeral expenses and the pain that comes with losing a loved one.
The Time You Have to Pursue a Claim is Limited. Contact Us Today.
For more information, contact Attorney Group. You can fill out the form on this page or contact us by phone or email.
After you contact us, an attorney will follow up to answer questions that you might have. There is no cost or obligation to speak with us, and any information you provide will be kept confidential.
Please note that the law limits the time you have to pursue a claim or file a lawsuit for an injury. If you think you have a case, you should not delay taking action.