When a policyholder submits a claim to his or her insurance company, it is expected that the company will act in good faith and honor the legitimacy of the claim. However, disputes often arise as to whether a claim is valid, and insurance companies may deny claims that should be honored. In such instances, an insurance claim lawyer can assist policyholders enforce their rights.
If you are currently in a dispute with your insurance provider or if you have a claim that was undervalued or denied, contact Attorney Group today. Through a free, no-obligation consultation, we can help you determine if you might be eligible to recover compensation, and we can connect you with an affiliated insurance claim lawyer who can work to protect your legal rights.
Why are Claims Denied?
Insurance companies have a significant self-interest to avoid payouts to policyholders and to protect their cash reserves, and insurance policies are often drafted to define eligible claims very narrowly. When an insurance provider undervalues or denies a claim, it may argue that:
- The injury falls outside the scope of coverage;
- The insured failed to pay policy premiums on time, resulting in a lapse in coverage; or
- There was a material misrepresentation in the policy, excluding coverage for the claim in question.
An Insurance Claim Lawyer Can Help
It may be difficult to determine whether a policyholder has a claim, so it is important to contact an insurance claim lawyer when disputes arise. In most instances, insurance claims are denied based on a good faith interpretation of the policy by a claims adjuster. However, certain rules of interpretation of insurance policies apply in many state that favor policyholders and may not be taken into account by the adjuster. In some instances, insurance companies engage in bad faith or unfair claims handling practices, including:
- Deceiving or misleading a policyholder
- Fraud
- Conscious wrongdoing by the provider
- Refusal or neglect to fulfill a contractual obligation
When insurance companies engage in bad faith, policyholders may be entitled to compensation beyond payment of the claim. For these reasons, it is advisable to contact an insurance claim lawyer to learn more about your rights and remedies.
The time you have to pursue a claim is limited. Contact us for more information.Get Help Now.
For more information, contact Attorney Group. After you contact us, an attorney will follow up to answer questions that you might have. There is no cost or obligation to speak with us, and any information you provide will be kept confidential.
Please note that the law limits the time you have to pursue a claim or file a lawsuit for an injury. If you think you have a case, you should not delay taking action.