Insurance Claims Attorneys Fight Back

Fighting Back Against Insurance Companies

insurance claims attorneysIf you have ever been faced with a natural disaster and your home and belongs were damaged, you know how devastating the situation can be. Not only have you lost your house, your vehicle and all of your personal possessions, but you may also find yourself left with almost no way to get back on your feet. Unfortunately, some people find that when they turn to their insurance companies to seek the finances to start to rebuild their lives, the insurance companies turn their back, leaving families with little to no money to start over. However, insurance claims attorneys always have your best interests at heart and can fight for your rights against these irresponsible providers.

Insurance Claims Attorneys Can Help in the Event of Natural Disasters

Many families residing in Galveston, Texas during the wake of Hurricane Ike in 2008 lost everything. Not only did these individuals need to worry about starting their lives again, but many were faced with the sheer frustration of fighting with insurance companies to honor their contracts to their policyholders.

In many instances, homes and buildings were destroyed while others were in dire need of expensive and extensive repairs. However, while families residing in the area had coverage to protect against hurricanes and other natural disasters, the insurance companies failed to live up to their promises, thus severely affecting these families from obtaining the finances necessary to fix their properties.

Insurance claims attorneys can help you so that you do not need to fight alone; experience and tact goes a long way when handling insurance companies, and having a knowledgeable lawyer on your side can help to stop your provider from bullying you into lower payments or no compensation at all. Plaintiffs have filed cases against insurance companies in which claims are disputed including those related to:


  • Coverage
  • Structural foundations
  • Water damages
  • Mold
  • Bad faith
  • Low-balling and underpayment

If you feel that your insurance company has not fulfilled its agreement after you have filed a claim to recover compensation for damages you suffered, do not hesitate to contact knowledgeable insurance claims attorneys who are experienced with the tricks that these companies try to pull. Oftentimes, the time to pursue a claim is limited, so it is important that you take action as soon as possible.

How Insurance Companies Can Be Tricky

Insurance companies often have individuals working for them who are focused solely on paying you as little as possible; these providers may deny legitimate claims, undervalue your property or delay your claim altogether in order to prevent you from rebuilding your life. Fortunately, insurance claims attorneys are experienced and can work to resolve your claims in an effective, fair and efficient manner so that you receive the payout to which you are entitled.

For instance, in the case of Hurricane Ike, many policyholders attempted to file claims with their flood insurance policies yet the providers told them that the damage was related solely to the winds. When these families tried to obtain finances against their wind insurance policies, they were told that it was the flooding that had caused the damage. Many of these individuals are currently working with insurance claims attorneys to obtain the money they deserve.

You Never Think It Could Happen to You

More recently, Hurricane Sandy, the recent fires in Colorado, and the tornadoes that swept across Oklahoma have also left homeowners devastated and with demolished or destroyed homes. Unfortunately, many policyholders are currently facing similar situations when they are trying to obtain the money to which they are entitled from their insurance companies.

It is not unusual for policyholders to receive checks from insurance companies that only cover 50 to 60% of the damages. However, many homeowners falsely believe that it is easier to simply take what they can get and accept the fact that they may never receive the full amount to which they are entitled under their policies rather than seek legal counsel from experienced insurance claims attorneys. Yet, these lawyers exist to fight for homeowners who have been deceived by their providers and work to obtain the finances to which their clients have been promised.

Contact Our Insurance Claims Attorneys Today

If you or someone you love has been affected by a natural disaster and you believe your insurance provider has not acted in good faith, delayed a valid claim, or denied your claim altogether, insurance claims attorneys can help you to get back on your feet. Here at Attorney Group, our affiliated insurance claims attorneys have the knowledge and dedication to fight against the bad business practices often employed by insurance companies. We are not afraid to fight for your rights, and we will work to help get the compensation necessary for you to start to rebuild your life. Contact us today.
