Studies Show Melanoma Viagra Risk Since 2011

While a 2014 study brought a possible link between Viagra and cancer to the public’s attention, research has linked the drug with the potential development of melanoma since at least 2011. Viagra melanoma lawsuits have been filed alleging that drug maker Pfizer failed to disclose the melanoma risks associated with use of Viagra.

If you or a loved one took Viagra and developed melanoma, contact Attorney Group today to learn more about your options. You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. We can answer your questions in a free, no-obligation consultation, and if you have a case, we can connect you with an affiliated attorney. The time to pursue a claim is limited, so contact us today.

Multiple Studies Show Melanoma Viagra Risk, Lawsuits Filed

Introduced in 1998, Viagra, or sildenafil citrate, is one of the most well-known prescription drugs in the country. Since it was first brought onto the market, many men have taken the medication to treat erectile dysfunction and improve sexual performance. However, attorneys note studies that have linked the drug with the development of skin cancer.

Harvard researchers published a study in 2014 in JAMA Internal Medicine, reporting that Viagra patients may be 84 percent more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma than those who did not take the drug. In January 2011, a study was published in the medical journal Cancer Cell that warned of drugs like Viagra, showing that they induce the invasion of melanoma cells.

Viagra lawsuits have been filed on behalf of men who allegedly developed melanoma from the drug, such as an April 2, 2015 lawsuit filed by the family of a Tennessee man alleging the drug caused his fatal melanoma. Based on the early studies involving Viagra and other PDEFA drugs, plaintiffs allege the manufacturer knew, or should have known, that Viagra could potentially increase a patient’s risk of melanoma cancer.

Injured Patients May Be Eligible for Compensation

Patients who develop melanoma or suffer other complications after taking Viagra may be entitled to compensation for damages resulting from their injury, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Family members of those killed may be able to pursue claims for the wrongful death of their loved one.

The Time to Pursue a Claim is Limited. Contact Us Today.

If you or a loved one took Viagra and developed melanoma, contact Attorney Group today for more information. We can answer your questions, and if you have a case, we can connect you with an affiliated attorney. Your call is free, confidential, and without any obligation. The time to pursue a claim is limited, so contact us today.
