$63 Million Verdict Upheld in Motrin Case

According to an April 17, 2015 Boston Globe report, Massachusetts’ highest court upheld a $63 million verdict against Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Motrin, in favor of an 18-year-old girl who claimed that the drug caused her to develop Stevens Johnson Syndrome, and that the drug maker failed to disclose the risks of potential Motrin side effects.

If you or a loved one developed symptoms consistent with Stevens Johnson Syndrome after taking a prescription or over the counter medication, contact Attorney Group for more information. We can answer your questions, and if you have a case, we can connect you with an affiliated attorney who can file a Stevens Johnson Syndrome lawsuit on your behalf and help you seek the compensation to which you may be entitled. The time to pursue a claim is limited, so contact us today.

What is Stevens Johnson’s Syndrome?

Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a severe, unpredictable reaction often characterized by a painful purple or red rash that can blister and spread, causing the skin’s top layer to die and shed. Complications can include permanent skin damage, eye inflammation, damage to internal organs, blood and skin infections, hair loss, and permanent scarring. Patients with SJS must often be treated in burn and trauma centers due to severe blisters and loss of skin. 

Girl Had 75 to 100 Surgeries Since Age 7, According to Reports

According to a report in the Boston Globe, the plaintiff took the drug in 2003, when she was seven years old. She suffered severe side effects that reduced her lung capacity by 80 percent, requiring multiple hospital visits frequent, and she has reportedly undergone surgery between 75 and 100 times, according to an attorney who began working with the plaintiff and her family in 2004.

The judge’s 54-page decision noted that the plaintiff suffered heart and liver failure, a cranial hemorrhage, seizures, and a stroke. According to the Boston Globe report, the plaintiff’s parents testified about their daughter’s endurance and positive outlook despite her suffering, and the jury was able to reasonably infer that she will continue to experience suffering and pain for the rest of her life.

Injured Patients May Be Eligible for Compensation

Patients who suffer complications, including Stevens Johnson Syndrome, after taking a drug such as Motrin may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Family members of those killed may be able to pursue claims for the wrongful death of their loved one.

The Time to Pursue a Claim is Limited. Contact Us Today.

If you or a loved one developed Stevens Johnson Syndrome after taking a prescription or over-the-counter medication, contact Attorney Group today. We offer free, no-obligation consultations, and if you have a case, we can connect you with an affiliated attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process. The time to pursue a claim is limited, so contact us today.
