Lawyers, Judge Meet on Risperdal Breast Enlargement Case

Did a young man you love take Risperdal and develop large breasts? If so, you may be eligible to receive monetary compensation. Attorney Group can help.

There are an estimated 1,200 product liability lawsuits pending against Janssen Pharmaceuticals and its parent company, Johnson & Johnson, in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. Each case alleges that the drug manufacturers neglected to adequately warn both consumers and the medical community about the risk of developing gynecomastia – also known as breast enlargement – in young boys taking the medication. Risperdal breast englargement

A calendar entry posted by the Philadelphia Court’s Complex Litigation Center indicates that lawyers involved in the Risperdal breast enlargement litigation were scheduled to meet with the judge presiding over the lawsuits on Jan. 12, 2015.

Is Someone You Love Suffering From Risperdal Breast Enlargement?

If you took Risperdal and you are suffering from gynecomastia, and you believe that Risperdal was the cause of this tissue growth, you may be entitled to pursue a claim and seek compensation for your condition. Among the following signs and symptoms of gynecomastia are:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Swollen breast gland tissue
  • Lactation or nipple discharge from one or both breasts
  • Swelling and pain

Attorney Group can help you determine whether you have a claim. If we find that you do, we can refer you to an affiliated attorney who can file a lawsuit on your behalf and assist you in recovering the damages to which you may be eligible for your alleged Risperdal breast enlargement. There are no out-of-pocket costs for which you would be responsible, and you may be eligible to receive monetary compensation to pay for expenses such as pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical bills. For additional details about how you can participate in the growing Risperdal breast enlargement litigation, please contact Attorney Group.

Gynecomastia Associated with Male Breast Growth

Gynecomastia is a medical disorder associated with abnormal breast growth among males. In the Risperdal breast enlargement claims, plaintiffs allege that they developed breasts while taking Risperdal, resulting in the need for surgical procedures to remove the affected tissues. Plaintiffs reportedly suffered from physical injury and scarring, as well as severe embarrassment and psychological injury from the Risperdal breast enlargement.

While Johnson & Johnson has been quietly handling the growing litigation involving Risperdal for years, the number of cases has continued to grow as more young adults and families learn that there may be a potential relationship between complications experienced following a gynecomastia diagnosis and the use of Risperdal as a child or adolescent.

Risperdal bellwether trials are expected to begin in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas in 2015, and these cases are expected to assist the parties in gauging how juries may react to certain testimony and evidence that are likely to continually occur throughout the litigation. While the outcomes of the bellwether trials are not necessarily indicative of each specific case that will be filed in the future, they may influence how Johnson & Johnson will settle additional claims in the future and prompt the company to reach settlements outside of the court if they find that juries are ruling in favor of the plaintiffs.
