Bloomberg Business reports that the South Carolina Supreme Court affirmed $136 million of a jury’s Risperdal verdict in a case alleging that the manufacturer’s Janssen unit wrongfully marketed Risperdal, its antipsychotic drug, and concealed its risks from consumers and the healthcare community. The jury’s original verdict of $327 million was reduced by the court on technical grounds.
Contact Attorney Group for more information about your options if took Risperdal and suffered complications. We can answer your questions, and if you have a case, we can connect you with an affiliated Risperdal lawsuit attorney who can help you throughout the legal process.
Drug Maker Ordered to Pay 
$136 Million
In a ruling issued February 25, 2015, the court stated Janssen’s desire for increased sales and market share “knew no bounds,” leading to what the court described as “reprehensible” and “misleading” marketing of Risperdal to doctors. In seeking profit for its drug, a company will sometimes promote the drug to physicians for uses unapproved by the FDA. This type of promotion is known as “off-label,” and has been the basis for lawsuits against drug makers when evidence suggests that the drug maker failed to disclose risks associated with the off-label use of a drug.
South Carolina sought civil penalties in the Risperdal lawsuit based on the number of prescriptions for Risperdal that had been written since 1994, as well as for alleged false information contained in a letter Janssen sent to prescribing physicians in South Carolina in November 2003.
Launched in 1994, Risperdal is used to treat conditions such as irritability in autistic patients, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, but the drug and other antipsychotics have reportedly been linked to weight gain, diabetes, strokes, and the development of breasts in males, a condition known as gynecomastia.
Contact Us for More Information About
Pursuing a Claim
If you or a loved one took Risperdal and suffered complications, you may be eligible to seek compensation for damages. Call Attorney Group today to learn more. There is no out-of-pocket cost to speak to us, and we can connect you with an affiliated Risperdal lawsuit attorney who can help you seek the compensation to which you may be entitled.