Florida Wright Conserve Hip Replacement Attorneys Florida Wright Conserve hip replacement attorneys have been called on in the wake of Wright Conserve’s prosthetic hip implant device’s failure to […]

Florida Zimmer Durom Cup Hip Replacement Attorneys No matter what their age, Floridans seem to be on the go. They walk, run, swim, play sports. All that […]

Florida Stryker Hip Recall Attorneys | Stryker Rejuvenate Hip Recalls in Florida If you’d like to speak with a Florida Stryker Hip Recall Attorneys immediately, feel free to call […]

Stryker ABG II hip replacements & Florida Stryker Hip Lawsuits When a manufacturer creates a medical device that will be widely available to the public, the manufacturer is […]

Florida Biomet hip lawsuits have become commonplace since Biomet created the malfunctioning M2A Magnum Hip implant. This is one of Biomet’s biggest failures, and has led to many […]

Zimmer Durom Cup Attorneys in Florida If you have had a Zimmer Durom Cup hip replacement surgery revision or are in need of a revision, you need to […]

Many people retire to Florida because of the great weather and easy access to outdoor living. However, all of this is a lot harder for people to enjoy […]

The first lawsuit related to a faulty hip replacement device has ended with the plaintiff being awarded more than $8 million in damages. Future lawsuits are expected, […]

Many Florida citizens receive metal-on-metal implants each year without understanding the risks that come with this type of procedure. Certain brands of metal-on-metal implants are degrading faster than […]