Georgia Recalled Hip Replacements Update
Recalled hip replacement devices have been subject to increasing litigation over the past few years, and with almost a half million people having hip replacement surgery in 2011 […]
Recalled hip replacement devices have been subject to increasing litigation over the past few years, and with almost a half million people having hip replacement surgery in 2011 […]
Patients have begun filing hip implant lawsuits throughout the country as manufacturers have recalled many metal-on-metal implants since 2008. Some of the hip implants that have been pulled […]
Individuals who wish to seek damages for their injuries after they were fitted with metal on metal hip implants and subsequently developed complications should consider contacting Attorney Group […]
Manufacturers of artificial hip replacements have been the targets of several lawsuits over the past few years, and now another company, Omnilife Science Inc., has become the defendant […]
Hip replacement procedures are intended to relieve the symptoms of a defective or damaged hip, including swelling, pain, limited mobility and difficulty performing daily activities. While thousands of […]
More people throughout the U.S. may consider seeking certain types of hip replacements as they grow older. During implantation, a surgeon implants an artificial device into the patient […]
Failure of the Wright Conserve Hip Replacement System Georgia Wright Conserve hip replacement attorneys know that hip pain can be excruciatingly, preventing countless individuals from being able to […]
Stryker Rejuvenate Hip Recalls in Georgia Each year, more than 200,000 people in the United States undergo hip replacement. More than 80% of these operations are successful. People […]
Stryker ABG II Recalls & Georgia Stryker Hip Recall Lawsuits Hip replacements are intended to help and empower individuals to live out their normal daily lives. With a […]
The DePuy ASR XL hip replacement device has been a source of trouble for many of its recipients, and is currently the target of a number of […]