Share this Image On Your Site <a href=”//attorneygroup.com/cost-revision-hip-surgery-infographic/”><img src=”http://recallattorneygroup.com/stryker/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2013/12/cost-of-hip-revision-final.jpg” alt=”The Cost of Revision Hip Surgery” /></a> If you have suffered from an injury from a hip replacement device, […]

If you or someone you love were fitted with a Stryker ABGII or Rejuvenate modular hip stem, you may be eligible to pursue a claim through the Stryker […]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently assigned its most serious label to Stryker’s spinal implant, warning consumers that the use of the device could potentially […]

Layoffs and Lawsuits for Biomet Biomet has recently been a controversial topic among consumers and the medical community for manufacturing and selling allegedly defective hip and knee replacement […]

Lawyers Moving Forward with Stryker Hip Litigation A recent decision in New Jersey Superior Court, located in Bergen County, allowed Stryker hip litigation to move forward, with the […]

The Benefits of a Preemptive Hip MRI Scan There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the impact that defective metal-on-metal hip implants have on their recipients. Thousands […]

Hip replacements help people get around when their own hip joints are damaged beyond repair by trauma, age, or illness. A complete hip replacement consists of a ball […]

Thousands of people have gotten metal on metal hip implants, many without knowing the associated risks. Many brands of metal-on-metal hip implants are wearing more quickly that previously thought causing […]

Hip replacement surgery is very common in the United States. Up to 285,000 hip replacements are done each year. Usually, these surgeries are completely successful, returning patients to […]

Hip replacement surgery is a relatively common procedure. Improvements in techniques and technology are making the operation more popular for younger patients. As a result, over 285,000 Americans […]